So Many Dreams, So Little Time

By Tom Reilly

Blue sky, empty slate
Serene and celestial—
God’s breath surrounds me
As wind chimes play in the tree
And His choir sings morning prayers.

I’m at peace for now
Yielding to this solitude
Feeling my heart beat
Breathing in steady rhythm
Mindful of all these blessings.

Open, inviting
Drawing me up and beyond
It speaks, “Write on me;
Unleash bold but dormant dreams;
I’m a playground for your mind.”

You compel me with
Endless possibilities.
Restless, my bones itch
The blood races through my veins
My reach seems too short for this.

Unbridled, wispy and wild
Spending all that’s left
And I, with so many dreams
Tethered by so little time.

Tom Reilly is the author of Hope in The Shadows of War


Author: Tom

Business owner, professional speaker, author, and salesman . . . Since 1981, Tom has traveled globally sharing his content-rich message of hope. Tom literally wrote the book on Value-Added Selling. Tom has a B.A. in Psychology from St. Louis University and an M.A. in Psychology from University of Missouri in St. Louis with a special emphasis in work motivation theory. He spent four years in the United States Army where he honed his leadership skills as a Drill Sergeant. Tom is a prolific writer and researcher. He is a recipient of the Northeast Business Editors Silver Award; author of fifteen books; and editorial contributor to several magazines. Tom is an avid golfer, Harley-Davidson rider, and fountain pen collector. Please click here for Tom’s complete bio.

2 thoughts on “So Many Dreams, So Little Time

  1. Tom, your poetry is consistently visual and moving. It is an unexpected gift when shared, that I greatly appreciate. Thank you for this post.

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