Tom Reilly, author
Tom Reilly is the author of fifteen books. Most of these books are available at AMAZON. If there is a book you want and cannot get it from a bookstore, contact By clicking on the book link, you can read more about these books at Tom Reilly Training. Some of these books have been translated into different languages such as Chinese, Danish, and East Indian.
Hope in the Shadows of War (Koehler Books, available Fall, 2018)
Value-Added Selling 4th Edition (McGraw-Hill)
Crush Price Objections (McGraw-Hill)
The Humility Paradox (AMAZON Publishing)
The Young Eagle (Motivation Press)
Value-Added Sales Management (Contemporary Books)
Value-Added Customer Service (Contemporary Books)
The Value-Added Organization (Motivation Press)
Touchpoints of Value (Motivation Press)
Coaching for Sales Success (Motivation Press)
How to Sell and Manage in Tough Times and Tough Markets (Motivation Press)
Get Out of the Wagon and Help me Pull This Thing (Motivation Press)
Selling Smart (Motivation Press)
Simple Psychology: Simple living in a complex world (Motivation Press)
Customer Service Is More Than a Department—it’s an attitude! (Motivation Press)